"Cheerful cooks make every dish a feast." --MASSINGER.
Sometimes simple is best. Saving your money is easier when you prepare simple, easy to make foods at home. Eating healthy foods is easy and fun when you make them yourself!
The nutritional value of beans is time honored. And these baked beans taste delicious! Try some this weekend! ( Who has time to bake during the week? )
Pick over and wash well one quart of small white beans;
soak over night.
In the morning, pour off the water and cover with cold water.
After boiling one-half hour, drain them, and cover again with cold
Boil the beans again, until cooked, but not broken.
Put them in a baking dish.
In the center of the baking dish place one pound salt pork (which has been parboiled and well gashed),
add: one tablespoonful of molasses,
one dash of cayenne pepper,
black pepper to taste.
Ordinarily the pork should salt the beans.
Cover with part of the liquor in which the pork has been parboiled, and bake three hours. Enjoy that wonderful aroma as these hearty and delicious baked beans are soaking up the flavors of the pork and molasses!
Who says eating healthy foods has to cost a bundle?