You've probably heard that it's good to eat plenty of fiber. But what is fiber, and why is it important for your heart?
Fiber comes from plants. Since your body can't really digest fiber or absorb it into your bloodstream, it's not nourished by it. That means, technically speaking, fiber isn't a "nutrient." But it's vital for good health.
First, fiber can help reduce your risk of heart disease. Second, it's also good for the digestive tract and overall health. And, as a bonus, eating lots of fiber helps you feel full on fewer calories, which makes it ideal if you're trying to lose weight.
There are two main types of fiber—soluble (also called "viscous") and insoluble. While both have health benefits, only soluble fiber reduces the risk of heart disease.
The difference between the types is how they go through the digestive track. Soluble fiber mixes with liquid and binds to fatty substances to help remove them from the body. Soluble fiber thus helps to lower cholesterol levels—thereby reducing the risk of heart disease. Good sources of soluble fiber are whole oats, barley, fruits, vegetables, and legumes (which include beans, peas, and lentils).
Insoluble fiber goes through the digestive tract largely undissolved. Also called "roughage," insoluble fiber helps the colon function properly. Good sources of insoluble fiber are whole-grain foods (such as wheat and corn bran), fruits (such as apples and pears with the skins), vegetables (such as green beans, cauliflower, and potatoes with the skins), and legumes.
As you can see, many foods have both soluble and insoluble fiber. As a rule, fruits have more soluble fiber and vegetables more insoluble fiber.
Nutrition experts suggest you try to eat 25–30 grams of total fiber each day. That should include at least 5–10 grams daily of soluble fiber.
Here's a more complete list of good sources of soluble fiber:
* Whole grain cereals and seeds—barley; oatmeal; oatbran; and psyllium seeds (ground)
* Fruits—apples (with the skin); bananas; blackberries; citrus (such as oranges and grapefruits); nectarines; peaches; pears; plums; and prunes
* Legumes—black, kidney, lima, navy, northern, and pinto beans; yellow, green, and orange lentils; and chickpeas and black-eyed peas
* Vegetables—broccoli; brussels sprouts; and carrots
Try this easy Gazpacho for a tasty warm weather treat:
GazpachoThis chilled, fiber rich tomato soup is a classic—and chock full of healthy garden-fresh vegetables.
* 3 medium tomatoes, peeled, chopped
* 1/2 C cucumber, seeded, chopped
* 1/2 C green pepper, chopped
* 2 green onions, sliced
* 2 C low-sodium vegetable juice cocktail
* 1 Tbsp lemon juice
* 1/2 tsp basil, dried
* 1/4 tsp hot pepper sauce
* 1 clove garlic, minced
1. In large mixing bowl, combine all ingredients.
2. Cover and chill in the refrigerator for several hours.
Keep Eating Healthy Foods and have a wonderful Summer!